Friday, 13 December 2013

Final entry

As a final thought of the project, it was successful because of all the elements that we intended to implement were worked and could produced the sound that most subtractive synthesiser could. Since we've already tried to emulate a different type of the instrument sound as snapshot for our synthesiser and they were all sounded perfectly fine, therefore proving that the synthesiser was capable of producing the sounds that most synthesiser users wanted.  This being said as an improvement we could add more oscillators so it gives the user the option to produce more complex and interesting sounds. Adding powerful filters that have a capability that allow the user to choose poles and type of filter could be interesting. Also with the individual pitch envelope will give more control on the pitch of the oscillator so the user can create more interesting sound. Implementing a powerful noise shaping section in the interface could give more control level e.g when the user create wind instrument it is very useful. We could also add the reverb effect which allow the user to set unique uneven diffusion to the spectrum of the sound. And also the interface needs to be rearranged to make the signal flow more understandable also having less switches and an attractive graphic design will let the user understand much easier the signal flow and the way in which the synthesizer work. The vocoder is the second type of synthesis used in our design which allows the live alteration of a microphone input carried thru the synthesizer, in order to have a wider range of voices, more filters should be added to the vocoding process.

Final Changes

The end of our project is near so in order to ensure that everything is working properly we had to check every assembled part of the synthesizer and make changes accordingly.
The following changes have been made:
-We changed the depth of the modulation LFO to a value of 2 to give a full vibrato effect
-Added amount fader to all the filter (timbre) envelopes to give the inverting option
-Added level on mixer for the vocoder with a higher gain range because the vocoder tends to by quieter that the actual synthesizer
-Changing the crossfader name of the delay effect from X-fade to Dry/Wet
-Ensured that the pwm(pulse width modulation) is connected to the pulse waveform and works as it should

Thursday, 12 December 2013


A good way to try the variety of sounds the synthesiser can produce, it was decided to record an original piece of music.

The synth itself would provide enough sounds which had been saved as snapshots. There are sound  like drums which were created mostly with envelopes and white noise, Organs, leads, pads etc. After having a vast arrange of sounds where we can pick from, the next step should be recording the track.

The track itself was purely made with sounds created with the synth, and Reaktor was run on Logic. Going into more detail about the recording process, It was the drums and the bass the first sounds to be recorded, which also helped with the structure of the song. After that, and in order to fill up the track, we had some leads and soft pads. Hard pads would do most of the main melody of the song. 

If you hear the track, the snare drum would sound more like a whiplash than like a proper snare. We were not actually trying to have a proper acoustic snare as it would not be appropriated for the style of the song. We achieved the whiplash sound by just modifying envelopes and filters. 

The biggest issue on all the process was that logic was crashing all the time as there were many channels with Reaktor running as a plugin. It was then solved out by turning off the plugin on the tracks that had already been recorded and then record the new ones. At the end, each midi channel was recorded on audio tracks.