Thursday, 28 November 2013

Updates and Improvements

Something we worked a lot at was the interface, in order to be easy to use it has to be clearly labeled and easy to understand. We kept music and sound related terms to let everybody use it without necessary knowing synthesizer related terms.  

As an improvement we managed to keep the interface as small as we can, by implementing stacked macros, and we added a few new things to our synthesizer.
One of them is noise shaping section that is connected to the effects unit and the VCF, this allows us to start designing a wide variety of sounds including drums. The noise section allows the user to switch easily between 3 types of noises: white noise, pink noise which has a 3dB decrease in amplitude per octave and the color one which is essentially a white noise shaped with a band pass filter made by adding HPF and LPF.

An update was also made to the filter section for some reason the 4-pole HP and LF filters were not able to follow the note-pitch properly so instead of those a 2-pole filter with both capabilities added.

 The chorus effect was at the beginning made only by transposing the fine tuning knobs from both oscillators, but in order to work, the user had to enable both oscillators, so we change that by using a proper chorus made with two delays modulated by two sine oscillators one normal and one inverted, both signals being added together.                  

We also added a step sequencer that allows the user to build his own samples, the step sequencer needs a clock that read the information provided by the system and a switch that enables the use to choose between different speeds of playback. The sequencer needs also a table that allows the user to create different patterns and a snap value module to remember the settings on each snapshot. 

Sunday, 24 November 2013


What a guitar, harp or piano sound have in common is the short duration of their sound once the key or string is played. The way to achieve a sound like this on reaktor is by using a Hold Envelope whose main function is to shorten the sound.


The first components added on the left hand side are the time controls which then are controlled by the Hold Envelope. Then multiplying the sound generator and the Hold Envelope together, would make the sound short which is ideal in order to emulate any string sound.

Now, to make it sound more similar to a guitar sound, the  sound of the oscillator (already shortened) goes attached to an amp/mixer which connects with a simple delay and a low pass filter. All these final steps in order to get a more similar sound to a guitar.